sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015

Al-Qaeda declara: França é agora Inimigo No 1 e Não EUA.

Terroristas islâmicos da al-Qaeda dizem que os Estados Unidos estão muito fracos, com o governo Obama, então agora o inimigo número um é a França.

Como entender o raciocínio dos terroristas? Os caras matam cidadãos franceses, aterrorizam o País, e a culpa é das vítimas, que merecem ainda mais serem mortas. E como os Estados Unidos ficaram mansinhos, fraquinhos, não fazem mais guerra, perderão status.

Como disse o Padre Samir, o símbolo do Islã (visto inclusive nas bandeiras de países islâmicos, como Arábia Saudita) é a espada. A ideologia islâmica só entende e só respeita a guerra e quem faz guerra.

E tem gente que acha que basta uma conversa ou uma graninha para acalmar este pessoal.

Vejam texto da France Press (AFP).

Qaeda in Yemen says France top enemy

Dubai (AFP) - The ideological leader of Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) said Friday that France had surpassed the United States as the top enemy of Islam.
US intelligence agencies consider AQAP to be the most dangerous branch of the jihadist network. With the "weakening" of the United States in recent years, France has replaced America in the "war on Islam," Ibrahim al-Rubaish said in an audio message published by AQAP's media arm on YouTube.
One of the group's ideologues, Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, has claimed in a video that AQAP was behind the January 7 attack on French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead.
Cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed published by the magazine have angered many Muslims.
Western governments say it remains unclear if AQAP directly orchestrated the attack on the weekly, although they do believe one or both of the attackers, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, spent time with jihadists in Yemen.
AQAP was formed in 2009 after a merger between militants in Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
Rubaish on Friday urged attacks on the West, singling out France.
He also called on Muslims to target, "without consulting anyone", those who mock the Muslim prophet.
AQAP has a track record of launching attacks far from its base in Yemen, including an attempt to blow up an American airliner over Michigan on Christmas Day in 2009.
The group's English-language propaganda publication had urged extremists to carry out attacks abroad, naming Charlie Hebdo's editor-in-chief Stephane Charbonnier among a list of targets.
Bom, não custa lembrar que os Cruzados eram chamados de Francos pelos muçulmanos, na época em que a França defendia o cristianismo. 
Salve São Rei Luís IX.

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